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SHIRATAKI FRIED RICE (SEGO GORENG SHIRATAKI). Hari ini saya akan membagikan resep nasi goreng shirataki. The first keto cooking video is up! I'm so excited for this new content❤️ btw yes intro nya panjang bgt sorry, coz di first video keto.

SHIRATAKI FRIED RICE (SEGO GORENG SHIRATAKI) Shirataki (白滝, often written with the hiragana しらたき) are translucent, gelatinous traditional Japanese noodles made from the konjac yam (devil's tongue yam or elephant yam). The word "shirataki" means white waterfall, referring to the appearance of these noodles. A wide variety of natural shirataki rice options are available to you, such as processing type, packaging, and product type. Cara membuatnya pun tidak susah, kamu dapat menyiapkan SHIRATAKI FRIED RICE (SEGO GORENG SHIRATAKI) hanya dengan menggunakan 11 bahan dan 8 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, bikin SHIRATAKI FRIED RICE (SEGO GORENG SHIRATAKI) yuk!


  1. Siapkan 1 pak Shirataki Rice.
  2. Gunakan 1 telor ayam (egg).
  3. Siapkan bumbu seasoning.
  4. Siapkan 1 bawang putih (onion).
  5. Siapkan 2 bawang merah (shallots).
  6. Sediakan 1 iris tipis jahe (Ginger).
  7. Sediakan 1 lembar daun jeruk (lemon leaf).
  8. Diperlukan 1 lembar daun salam (bay leaf).
  9. Diperlukan 1 ST margarin.
  10. Diperlukan Sejumput garam (salt).
  11. Dibutuhkan Garnis: 2 tomat cery, 2 buah cabe rawit, satu Iris timun.

You can explore our shirataki rice recipes to find crowd-pleasers like rice pudding, soups and dishes with an Asian or Mexican flair. Of course, our shirataki noodle recipes are perfect if you're craving Italian, ramen, lo mein or healthy pasta salad. This noodle look alike shirataki is my favorite substitute for traditional. Shirataki rice has recently earned lot of attention in North America and Europe because the rice actually contains zero carbs, zero calories and absolutely no fat.


  1. Buka satu paket shirataki rice (bisa beli di supermarket atau online), tuang ke dalam satu panci. Cuci bersih dan tiriskan lalu pisahkan. (Take one pack shirataki rice. Washing and clean, put on a pan, remove all the water).
  2. Cuci bersih semua bumbu, lalu Iris halus bawang putih, bawang merah, jahe. Rempah yg lain tidak perlu diiris halus. (Washing clean all the spices ingredient, then chop into small pieces of onions, shallots and Ginger. Let it be the other spices).
  3. Siapkan wajan anti lengket dan panaskan. Masukan margarin, tunggu hingga meleleh, lalu masukan bawang putih, tumis hingga harum (Prepare an email pan, add margarin. Let it be warm until the margarin melted. Add onion chop the saute until the georgious onion smelt come).
  4. Tambahkan bawang merah dan jahe, goreng beberapa saat hingga mengering. Kemudian tambahkan bumbu rempah lainnya. (Add onion and shallots, saute them a little time, than add the other spices.).
  5. Ceplok telor ke atas wajan, lalu orak arik sebentar. (Add one egg, and make scrumbled for a while).
  6. Tambahkan beras Shirataki, oseng beberapa saat hingga Shirataki nya mengering, lalu cicipi, tambahkan garam dan lada sesuai selera anda (Add Shirataki rice, and saute for some munutes until the Shirataki rice being dry. Control the taste add some salt and pepper base on your taste.).
  7. Tuang di atas piring, hiasi dengan tomat fery dan cabe rawit serta mentimun (Plating immediately and add cery tomatoes and chilies also cucumber slice for garnish as well).
  8. Cobalah di rumah! (Try this at home).

Hence, this rice has become the preferred choice of many dieters. It isn't yet as popular as Shirataki Noodles, but has been gaining. Chikin alias ayam goreng Korea bisa jadi pilihan. Ada juga nasi goreng kimchi yang sayang dilewatkan. Pilihan lain adalah kwetiaw dan mie goreng shirataki.