Cara Membuat Garlic Butter Fried Rice - #CreativeYouthEM Legit dan Nikmat!

Kumpulan Resep Masakan INDONESIA.

Garlic Butter Fried Rice - #CreativeYouthEM. Cook until garlic is golden, then remove from heat and pour into a heat-proof bowl. Add the garlic and cook for a minute. Add the rice, soy sauce and sugar and toss until well combined.

Garlic Butter Fried Rice - #CreativeYouthEM I will sometimes have this for breakfast with a fried egg. I just put some of the rice on a plate and put a fried egg on it and mix it together. It is really good that way. Cara membuatnya pun tidak sulit, kawan-kawan dapat menghidangkan Garlic Butter Fried Rice - #CreativeYouthEM hanya dengan menggunakan 12 bahan dan 5 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, yuk kita coba resep Garlic Butter Fried Rice - #CreativeYouthEM!

Bahan-bahan Garlic Butter Fried Rice - #CreativeYouthEM

  1. Gunakan 1 piring nasi dingin.
  2. Diperlukan 4 buah bawang putih.
  3. Gunakan 5 sdm mentega/butter.
  4. Diperlukan 1 cabai rawit.
  5. Dibutuhkan 100 gr mix vegetable (jagung, wortel, kacang polong Rebus).
  6. Siapkan 1 butir telur.
  7. Gunakan 2 lembar smoke beef/sosis.
  8. Siapkan 2 sdm saus tiram.
  9. Siapkan 1 sdm kecap asin.
  10. Diperlukan 1 sdm kecap manis.
  11. Diperlukan 1/2 sdt garam.
  12. Dibutuhkan 1 sdt black paper.

Butter garlic fried rice method: I used jeeraga samba rice and cooked with salt. Garlic Butter Rice is the perfect side for any meal. It's full of flavor; buttery, garlicky - and so good you can eat it plain! This is like the rice version of garlic bread.

Cara memasak Garlic Butter Fried Rice - #CreativeYouthEM

  1. Pastikan nasinya dingin lebih baik nasi sisa kemarin di taro kulkas.
  2. Iris smoke beef, chopped bawang putih, sisihkan.
  3. Masukkan mentega/ butter ke penggorengan sampai panas masukkan telur, bawang putih tumis hingga harum masukkan paprika dan smoke beef masak kembali.
  4. Masukkan nasi aduk hingg rata sampai rata masukkan saus tiram kecap asin kecap manis gram dan black paper aduk hingga rata, masukkan mix vegetables masak sebentar saja supaya warna jagung tidak berubah aduk sampai rata icip rasa.
  5. Sajikan.

In my world, garlic bread goes with almost any meal except Asian food. Get the recipe: Subscribe to my channel and press the bell button to get notifications every time I. Besides garlic, other common ingredients in Japanese Garlic Fried Rice are butter and parsley. You can omit butter if you're vegan, or use a substitute. If you don't like parsley, you can replace it with scallions.